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Friday, January 10, 2014

True Health and Wellness!


Our food and drug companies are so hungry for profit that they often overlook the true impact that their products have on human health.  Statistics can be manipulated and skewed to create almost any conclusion that the statistician desires!  Believe me, I know!  I have taken undergrad and graduate level statistics!

It is my goal and mission to research and report the truth about health and wellness!  I realize that too many of us do not have the necessary information to make good decisions about their health.  I have been researching and writing about real health care and healthy living since 2010.  I have designed a website designed to inform and transform lives!

Please take some time to read the information on my website, watch the movies that I have recommended, and apply the concepts that I promote.  I realize that some of the ideas sound extreme, but open heart surgery and chemotherapy are pretty extreme too!  I challenge you to make 2014 your healthiest year ever!


Shawn G. Hert