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Monday, March 27, 2017

Highway to Health

How?  I'm glad you asked. By changing what you eat.  No, this is not a diet, as far as diets are concerned, this is a lifestyle.  The word diet does not really apply to weight loss, it simply means the foods that you eat.  The Highway to Health is paved with healthy foods, aka, a healthy diet!  By the way, I STRICTLY avoid ANY food product with the words: diet, fat free, or sugar free on the package!  Real healthy foods don't have these kinds of labels.  

Every week I post something about a meal that I have prepared or a smoothie that I have made.  My diet consists of healthy foods; therefore, I am on this highway that I am talking about.  Do I ever eat bad foods, the answer is YES.  Anyone that says that they eat healthy 100% of the time is probably not be 100% honest.  I will explain how to make this highway work for you.

OK, so let’s say that when you drive your automobile down the highway, that you only experience a traffic jam or accident 10% of the time.  This means that 90% of the time you just get on and drive full speed to your destination without any problems.  This sounds pretty goo, huh.  Well, your diet can be treated the same way.  If you eat good, nutritious meals 90% of the time and only eat bad, unhealthy meals 10% of the time, then you will be on the Highway to Health! 

In America, most of us get to enjoy three meals a day, that's 21 meals a week.  This means that you can eat ANYTHING that you want 2 or 3 times a week.  Yes, ANYTHING!  Pizza, cheeseburgers, donuts, whatever!  Why?  Because this is realistic.  It also gives you the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods (sometimes) and not feel like you're missing out.

Here is the deal though, once your body gets use to its new diet, it will stop wanting to have bad food in it.  I am serious, I know, I've done it for 7 years, and my body let's me know EVERYTIME I eat bad food. 

Now, I didn't write this blog to be a meal planner or a diet plan.  I just wanted to get you thinking about the foods that you eat.

Stay tuned for more healthy tips.

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